Steel Panther
They put the Glam in glamorous. Probably even in glamping, too.
In the early days of the band as Metal Shop and then Metal Skool, Steel Panther was rocking the Sunset Strip with the best 80s hair metal tunes nightly at venues like the (now closed) Key Club at 9039 Sunset Blvd. How do we know? We were there, dude.
The band has been rippin' for years and they're still going.
Band Members
- Michael Steele
- Satchel
- Stix Zadinia
- Rikki Dazzle/Rikki Thrash
Former Band Members
- Feel the Steel
- Balls Out
- All You Can Eat
- Lower the Bar
- Heavy Metal Rules
The Hit: Death to All But Metal
The song is a real treat. Satchel's glowing guitar in the video is everything we knew we needed and more. Sarah Silverman's cameo is dynamite.
"You know I couldn't agree more with what you're saying, death to all Butt Metal!"