Modern Rock

Bang Camaro Bang Camaro II

The Man Choir levels up their harmonic intricacies while the guitars and rhythm section tighten up the song structure. Still a devastatingly excellent effort.

Bang Camaro's Second Album Is Perfect. Just Like The First.

Rock stars. Small bars. One of the biggest differences in the leap from Bang Camaro I to BCII is the addition of more lyrics. Sounds silly, but we think they've doubled the overall lyrical content from the first album.

Bang Camaro II notes

Blood Red Rock

Night Lies


She's Gone (Critical)

Doesn't every girl at some point?

Miss Illusion

I Know You Like My Band


Doz's basslines

Can't Stop The Night

There are some pro quality harmonies on Can't Stop The Night.

The Hit

The Hit has to owe a beer to Eric Martin, Paul Gilbert, Billy Sheehan and Pat Torpey of Mr. Big for how much it feels like their hit, To Be With You. Debate us all you, but that's the vibe we get here.

Life Is Hard On The Road

Blood sales used for bail!

If Life Is Hard On The Road were a glass of wine, it would contain hints and notes of Tesla. It's not a glass of wine, it's a kick ass rock tune that retells the tales of BC's Hero's Journey across America in the late 2000s.

Live. Love. Die. Rock.

... Go Fuck Yourself

They beat Marvel to the Post-Credit snippet by years with ... Go Fuck Yourself.

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Reviews of Bang Camaro Albums